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Uniform Policy


Our uniform policy encourages students to feel accepted, unified and increases self-confidence. This policy is intended to promote a safe and supportive learning environment and improve school safety and discipline. This policy will be enforced beginning on the first day of school. Any student out of uniform will require parents to bring in the uniform or parents will be required to pick up their child. Repeated violations of this policy may result in discipline, including but not limited to detention, in-school suspension and the loss of re-enrollment privileges.

The following restrictions pertain to all students.

  • Uniform shirts with the school logo purchased from the uniform vendor are the only approved uniform shirts and outerwear.
  • Outerwear (jackets, sweaters, & coats) must be solid in color (black, grey, navy or dark blue) and zip or button up the front. Jackets with hoods are permitted, but the hoods must not be worn in the building.
  • Shorts and pants should be worn at the appropriate length. Shorts and pants must be navy, black or khaki in color only. Shorts need to be at no shorter than 1 inch above the knee.
  • Long underwear type leggings, apparel that is torn, ripped or disheveled clothing and any apparel that is determined to be too revealing or draws undue attention due to style, fabric or length is not acceptable.
  • Students must wear socks; socks can be any color and cannot have any representations of cannabis, alcohol, tobacco or any other contraband.
  • Student footwear must be both closed toe and closed back shoes or sneakers in any color. Students cannot trade and/or sell footwear at school.
  • No cargo, joggers, form fitting (showing the contour of the body) clothing is allowed.
  • School dress-down days will be periodically announced, and students will be able to wear non-ripped jeans, spirit wear shirts, and/or basketball shorts. On a school approved dress-down day, also considered inappropriate is attire (jewelry and clothing) that depicts slogans or statements that promote alcohol, drugs and/or statements of sexual expression, implies the occult, affiliates one with a gang or contains slogans or words deemed vulgar or obscene.
  • Students must wear the school PE uniform for PE. K-5 students can wear their PE uniform to school on the days they have PE. Students may not wear clothing which may be hazardous to their well-being in lab work or physical education activities.

Coats and jackets may not be worn to class unless the administration has given their approval. Hats are not to be worn in the school building for classes or after school activities. Once again, exceptions may be made when deemed necessary by the administration.

Parents or legal guardians will be notified when a student is not in school uniform.

When we take trips to another school or go on a field trip, we pride ourselves on our students’ appearance and conduct. For these trips we ask that students dress appropriately for the occasion. For each such occasion, the teachers will instruct students on appropriate dress and pant and uniform shirt colors.

Repeated failure to comply with the Dress Code may result in discipline, including but not limited to detention, in-school suspension, and loss of school privileges.